Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Basketry using plastic straps -B- SW Corner Sq


To begin take the two longest strips of the same color (blue) and cross them with another two longest strips, weaving one up/over and the other down/under as in diagram and I call this the double crossroads.

Then cut 4 strips of another color (yellow in photo and diagram ) two inches shorter than the first four blue strips. Interweave around the first 4 strips following the diagrams because if there are two colors, it is easier to see. Weave the same color if you want a plain basket.

The next 4 strips are of the same colour (blue) as the first 4 and two inches shorter than the last 4 (yellow) ie the second 4. It does not matter if some strips are not of the same length as they can be woven in.

Weave the number of strips you want depending on the size you want, adjust to tightness you want. Use a raffia string to tie the four crossroads to hold the base together.

To get the four corners, crisscross at the crossroads and weave the strips to the left and to the right at 90 degrees to form the corner and weave up to the height you want.

End the basket by folding in to get a smooth edge. Use a tweezer-plier to fold in all the strips at an angle (horizontally) to the right first and weave all the way to end of strips. The length of the strips does not matter, cut short of a weave and tug in so that the end of the strip does not show.

Fold horizontally the other strips to the left and do the same. This is harder to make compared to the zigzag edge below and needs to be regular if not the basket will go crooked.

The two baskets are made by weaving odd rows of one color and even rows of another color ended with smooth edge. The pattern will come out differently if you have even rows of two colors.

If you start at the crossroads with one or two colors and end the last row of the base with the same color, you will get a single or double crossroads pattern on the four sides.

Smooth edge basket with a stand and weaved with a three colour combination.
Use long strips, turn at the edge, weave to the bottom, add one row and weave up again to the top, then tug in before the edge. ( refer to unfinished grey and red basket at top )

You can also end the zigzag way by folding straight to the right first and after the whole round fold to the left. Tug in the strips where it does not show and cut off. Use a metal rod with flat tip to push in strips or push strips to wanted position.

These two small shallow zigzag edge baskets are made using three colors strips.

If you make the single weave corner baskets loose and holey, they can be used for planting orchids. Again they are light and safe.

A basket will be more useful if it has handles, at the edge put through one or two strips to make handles for opposite sides.

Photo shows zigzag edge with double rows of handles using two colors strips alternately.

Use very long strips for the handles so that you weave them right to the bottom so that handles are sturdy.

Another view of basket with handle.

Single weave corner basket with zigzag collar or stand so that base is uplifted.

This is done by using long strips weaving to the bottom adding two or three rows and weaving up again to the top, then tug in before the edge.

1 comment:

  1. These are cute! This is definitely a great recycling idea for plastic straps that are lying around your house. They definitely make great containers for the small trinkets we keep inside our rooms. More importantly, not only do you get to recycle them, they can also be great gift ideas!

    Thelma Bowman
